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Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year 2011 peeps!!!

May the dawning of this New Year, fill your heart with new hopes, open up new horizons and bring for you promises of brighter tomorrows. May you have a great New Year. 

Monday, December 20, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!

I've been invited by Cris mum to her house. I had fun, and ate lots of delicious food. And that night we also had drank red wine. I dont really drink it. hehe I just put little bit of red win in my coke! Wishing all of you guys a very merry Christmas.!

We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

The Biggest X-mas tree in the shopping mall

Friday, December 17, 2010


Im a 'FacebookerHolic'. I love my facebook and the friends. Im crazy about it, so the hell what? Every single minutes, it's all about facebook (not really hehe). It's also known as my second lover, but babe dont worry about that. You are still my number 1. 

What I like about Facebook?
  • Facebook is the world's largest social network.
  • Facebook helps me connect and share with the people in my life.
  • Million of people use Facebook everyday to keep up with friends. 
  • I just in love with it.
I love FB

I miss you like Crazy.

Where are you babe? I really miss you, I need you now. 

I got tears.

Sad and Lonely

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I will run as fast as I can, and leaving you behind is the best way for me to win!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Thanks for always being My friend

Why is he so UNFAIR?

Why she always get something better than me? It makes me really sad. Because u gave her alot of expensive thing. Im not asking for that,but it's like you being so unfair with me. And that makes me really really sad. It doesnt make sense for me to get sad, coz it's just a material things. I dont need that. But you were just not fair. You're always exaggerating her than me. Actually, I dont really care but I was sad when she can get something more than I do.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Happy Birthday to my Lover

My Birthday Gift for you is A whole lot of LOVE from the bottom of my heart.
I may not by your side, celebrating your special day with you, but I just want you to know that Im thinking of you and wishing you a wonderful  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Happy Birthday Darling, I hope i can buy you a cake
Sorry, it's ugly hehe but i made it just for you. I love u heaps

Game called Love

In all my years I've learned something.When boys say they love you, most don't mean it. They don't give their hearts, so small. But when a girl gives her heart, she gives her all. The words "I love you" are true, but in the end Most of the girls end up broken, heart, soul and all. "I gave you my heart, I gave you my all, so tell me
why didn't you give yours too?"
I've heard many girls tell how hard a break up can be, yet they continue to love. I admire them, yet at the same time think they're fools for playing the game called love. Don't you?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

I get my period!

SUCKS!!! Im feeling terrible today. Menstruation is the most thing I do not like. I was so miserable and in pain. Sometimes I do not like to be a woman,but this is the part of being a women.

It's more than a dream

I'm a girl who is very ambitious. I always want something that is impossible to reach. But nothing is impossible in this world right? If I have succeeded after trying to pursue my dream. I want to buy a house for my parents, take them shopping, go on holiday and spend more time with them. I hope that one day, my dream would be achieved.

Wonder who is coming to Malaysia?

  • Wonder Girls is coming to Malaysia!!!
  • 11 December 2010.
  • 8pm.
  • Arena of stars, Genting Higlands.



A woman can laugh and cry in three seconds and it's not weird. But if a man does it, it's very disturbing. The way I'd describe it is like this: I have been allowed inside the house of womanhood, but I feel that they wouldn't let me in any of the interesting room.

Sorry Gentleman

Do not steal mine!!!

I hate people who steal something that is 'MINE'. Dont ever steal anything from here please haha. MAKE YOUR OWN STUFF! ok, UNDERSTOOD? I hope so..xox 


Saturday, December 4, 2010

My cute top!

I went to shopping mall and I really love this new top i bought yesterday, I like the colour. It makes me look like a mature young lady. Im lovin it...hehe

It look sweet on me!